Monday 11/28 - Early Release (6, 7, 1, 2, 3)
no class
Tuesday 11/29 - Day 5
- What do we know about society in Fahrenheit 451?
- How did it get to be this way?
Homework: Fahrenheit 451 Part 1 Open Response
Wednesday 11/30 - Day 4
- Tracing themes, motifs and symbols
Homework: Bring in a news story (no older than 2010) about your assigned issue:
Work on I.R./blogging! Check out P.O.L. options.
Thursday 12/1 - Day 3
- Discuss articles
Homework: Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 "The Seive and the Sand" due Monday 12/5
Bring your Independent Reading book to class tomorrow. You will have time to read.
Friday 12/2 - Day 2
- Independent Reading
- "Burning a Book" TPCASTT
- Poetry Out Loud information
Homework: Fahrenheit 451 Part 2 "The Seive and the Sand" due Monday.
Work on I.R./blogging! I will give you a homework grade for a post for this week (11/28 - 12/4).
Check out Poetry Out Loud options.
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