Monday 12/12 - Late Entry (3, 4, 5, 6)
- Fahrenheit 451 Socratic Seminar
Homework: Memorize the first 5 lines of your P.O.L. poem. Continue to work on I.R. / blog.
Tuesday 12/13 - Day 3
- Poetry Out Loud Practice
- Scoring Recitations (video clips)
Homework: Prepare for in-class essay on Fahrenheit 451 & Theme. Memorize the next 5 lines (10 total) of your P.O.L. poem for Thursday. Continue to work on I.R. / blog. Bring I.R. book.
Wednesday 12/14 - Day 2
- In-Class Essay Exam
Homework: First 10 lines of P.O.L. poem must be memorized by tomorrow. Continue to work on I.R. / blog.
Thursday 12/15 - Day 1
- Watch movie
Homework: Poetry Out Loud, I.R./blog
Friday 12/16 - Day 7
- Finish movie
Homework: P.O.L. poem must be ready to go! Our practice class competition is on Tuesday. The actual class competition is on Wednesday. Also, don't forget about your weekly I.R. blog grade.
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